
Stopping Myasthenia Gravis with a Whole Plant Diet

Blake West telling his story on a podcast: EPISODE 61 Blake West about his WPBD and MG Why? In 2017, I got a phone call from a stranger saying that Doris was in a car accident. It turns out she blacked out and rear-ended a truck coming only a few feet from the truck bed entering the car and crushing her. She woke up with her hands still on the wheel of the car. Such is the life of one of the 200,000 people in the USA who have Myasthenia Gravis. I know Mysathenia Gravis up close and personal. In […]


My Diet Testimony on Forks Over Knives Website

It’s a great honor to have my testimony on the very popular website Forks Over Knives. I’m coming up on almost 2 years on the diet and am doing great! Here is my story for the entire world to read:


Why Meat, Dairy, and Oil Are Not Good For You

I didn’t start my current whole-plant based diet for a fad.  I didn’t even start it to loose weight or to avoid cancer.  In January of 2014 at the age of 54, I ended up in a ambulance with severe chest pains on my way to an emergency room.  My grandfather died from a heart attack at age 60, my father had his first heart attack at age 55 and then triple by-pass at 72, and I was told there was nothing I could do about it. I had symptoms of pains shooting up my left arm and tightness in […]
